Sunday, June 11, 2017

The Scenic Route

I don't know about you, but I'm a planner. If I'm going on a trip, I make a list and check off the items as I complete them. If I'm going to be traveling by car, I check which route would be the best to travel. Even if I'm just going someplace in town, I'll check the maps to make sure I'm going the right way. If I am in town, I want the shortest route possible, because I'm probably trying to get someplace on time. If I'm going on a road trip, however, I may choose a longer route to see other places along the way.

The other day, it occurred to me that I tend to live my life the same way. I plan things way ahead of time so there are no "surprises" along the way. If I have a plan, I know what to expect, right? Maybe planning ahead helps me to feel that I have some control over the way things happen in my life. Maybe if I'm "always prepared," I can avoid the stress of sudden changes because "I have a plan for that."

The only trouble with that, is that life rarely "goes as planned" and if I'm always following "the plan," won't that be boring?

I've notice something else. God prefers the scenic route.

When I'm all about getting from "Point A to Point B," He's all about what happens BETWEEN "Point A and Point B."

All this time I've been so busy planning when He's had a plan for me since before I was born. In Psalm 139:16, it says "You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. (NLT)  Not only that, but He has GOOD plans for me! (Jeremiah 29:11)

So, why I am so busy trying to plan every little detail?

The thing is, I LOVE road trips and the scenic route!!! I love seeing new places and all the interesting things along the way. I love going through the little towns with the "mom and pop" stores. I love seeing the different types of trees and flowers as I go from place to place. I love meeting the people in the different places, too.

Just maybe...God already knows that. Maybe He's trying to tell me to leave the planning to Him.

It's OK to have a plan and to plan for things. Trying to have a plan for everything, though, means that I might miss some really wonderful things along the way.

Yes, there might be some surprises and changes, but maybe the plan is for me to travel through them. Maybe there are valuable lessons to be learned that I wouldn't know if I took the shortest route, or even a longer route around them.

Oh, I'll probably still have a plan for a lot of things, but I think I'm going to leave most of the planning up to my Travel Agent (since He already has a plan). Wherever it takes me, I'm going to do my best to enjoy the Scenic Route!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Act Your Age?

Have you ever heard someone say "Act your age!"? Now I ask you, how can anyone act their age? It's the first time they are that age. They've never been that age before. There are no manuals or guides telling you how to act at any particular age. There are, however, countless people with opinions of how one should act, dress, or live, at every age. I'm not sure where they get their information from or how they became the "Age Sage," but they sure seem to know how everyone else should live.

For example, growing up I would overhear things like "She should cut her hair. At her age, she shouldn't have long hair." Or something like, "Is she trying to look younger? She's too old to wear that outfit!" I'm quite sure that there are no rules for either. And how would you know the cutoff dates, anyway?

This year, I've decided to start acting my age. The only problem is that I don't know which age to act. Should I act my chronological age? Should I act my creative age? (I feel like I'm just getting started so that would be closer to 6 years old.) Should I act my fun age? (It would be hard to choose just one, as I have had many fun ages!) Should I act my "just graduated high school with the whole world ahead of me" age? (That was a good one, too!) I have so many ages to choose from and since I have so many...I can choose a different age for each day!

I have a very good friend that lives her life to the fullest. She has, and continues to be, an inspiration to me and to many others. She is a joy to be around! Several years ago, my friend started referring to Tuesdays as Tutu Tuesdays. On the day she retired, someone gave her a tutu and she wore it! What fun! (When I grow up, I want to be just like her!)

Yes, I know that there are times in life to be serious and to think as our "chronological age" should think, but for all of the rest of the times, we should be free to think and act whatever age we feel like!

Life was meant to be LIVED, so I'm going to do just that!

How about you? What age do you want to act today? Pick one and go have fun!

Wait...I think I hear laughter at the playground. Gotta go, there's a swing with my name on it!