Sunday, July 14, 2013

DIY Projects

I know, I know.  You're thinking "another acronym." But DIY has been rolling around in my mind since I mentioned it in the last blog entry and it fits right in.  I mean, think about it.  DIY means Do it Yourself.  How many of us have had a DIY project? How many of those DIY's are now WIPs or, even, UFOs? (see, fits in, right?)  There are many home improvement stores that have grown in business due to DIY projects.  They will even help you get started and find everything you need to "do it yourself."  Sometimes, though, the project can get beyond where we can "do it ourselves."

I remember when my husband and I decided to add on a couple of rooms to our very small house.  We wanted to do most of the work "ourselves." Crazy, right? I won't tell you how many nails I hammered making the framework for the rooms, or the painting involved, but we did realize that we needed help with the things we weren't equipped for or had the knowledge to do.  For instance, you really need an electrician for the wiring and a plumber for the plumbing. We had to know when we no longer could "do it ourselves" and needed to ask for help. Was there anything to be ashamed of in asking for help?  Of course not. Common sense says that you don't want the house to catch on fire due to poor wiring or to flood, due to poor plumbing."

What about the DIYs in our own lives? I'm not talking about home improvement projects, I'm talking about "self-improvement" projects or "other-improvement" projects.  Do we know when the project has become too big for us to "do it ourselves?" Do we know when it's time to ask for help? Or do we feel ashamed to ask for help or even that we have to do it ourselves because there's no one else to ask? Or, worse, do we feel that no one could possibly help us with the project because it's "too messed up?"

Too often we treat ourselves as a DIY.  Sometimes we even treat our friends or family members as DIYs.  When we try to "do it ourselves"we can become weary, overwhelmed and, sometimes, feel helpless and hopeless.  We need to recognize when we need to ask for help.  If we're a stay at home mom and are overwhelmed, we might need to see if there are other stay at home moms who may be interested in forming a group where members of the group could help from time to time.  If we're working a full-time job and coming home working non-stop on home projects, then we might need to ask for help for some of those projects.  Sometimes our DIYs are more than we could possibly handle on our own. For instance, if we're struggling with emotional issues or addictions, we may need to seek professional assistance.

There is no shame in recognizing that our DIY project has gotten "too big for us." In fact, it takes a great deal of courage, sometimes, to admit that we need help.

If you have a DIY home project that you need help with, there are many home improvement stores or experts who will be happy to help!  If you have a personal DIY project that you need help with, please ask for help.

If you have become weary, or overwhelmed by your DIY project, please don't be afraid to ask for help. We also have One who is concerned about us.  In Matthew 11:28, Jesus says "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."  We have a God who is ready and waiting to help us!  In fact, he has the Owner's Manual.  He created each of us, uniquely, and knows every part of us.  Psalm 139:1-18 is a good example of this.  Call on the Lord, today, and ask him to help you with whatever your need is.

I'm really not sure why I needed to write about DIYs today.  It was just strong on my heart.  Maybe someone reading this needed to hear it.  If so, I encourage you to ask for whatever help you may need.
I have had to ask for help on more than one DIY project as I have a tendency to try to "do it all myself." I recently heard a song from a group called Sidewalk Prophets called "Help Me Find It." The song lyrics have been helpful to me when I'm not sure what to do next.  I've tried to link the YouTube version of it. Maybe it will be helpful to you.

Sometimes we need help with our DIY projects to turn them from UFOs to WIPs. Keep moving, keep seeking, keep trying.  Remember, it is a journey.  Stay tuned for another acronym... "GPS"

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