Sunday, June 30, 2013

UFO's and WIPs

You already know what a WIP is...a Work In Progress. A UFO is very Unfinished Object.  I know you're probably thinking about a different type of UFO, but I'm referring to another "crafting term."  I've had many UFOs over the years. Projects that I started with a lot of excitement, anticipating the finished product, that somehow ended up on a shelf or in a closet.  I really meant to finish the project, but "life got busy" or other things seemed more important at the time or I lost interest along the way.  Sometimes I've picked up the UFO with renewed interest and actually finished it.  More often than not, however, the UFO remains exactly that....unfinished.

The difference between a WIP and a UFO, basically, is action or movement.  Whereas a UFO may sit on a shelf in a closet, untouched, a WIP is "something that is being worked on."

Have you ever had a UFO in your life?  Has there ever been anything that you were excited about at the very beginning, that you anticipated the process and finished product?  It could be anything...a craft project, a DIY project, etc.  Did you know UFOs can also be something like a friendship, a relationship, or a marriage?

It is very easy for marriages to become UFOs.  Two people newly in love start a relationship anticipating all the good things in their future together. Then life starts to happen...children, bills, jobs, etc.  Life gets busy.  Sometimes the day to day of living and taking care of responsibilities fills our lives so much that we forget about the anticipation of the future and how we felt in the beginning.

Sometimes, we, ourselves, can feel like UFOs.  We can feel like we're "stuck in a rut" or even feel like we've been "left on a shelf" somewhere.  What we need is movement!

God is wonderful in helping a UFO move to a WIP! Nothing is unfinished with his help.  He has a plan for each of us.  We need only to bring our UFOs to him and ask him to help us "move" in the direction he has planned. Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Are there areas in your life that need to move from UFO to WIP?  Is there a relationship in your life that has become a UFO? Or do you, yourself, feel like a UFO? Ask Him today for help in moving your UFOs to WIPs, to become a WIP.  Find out about the plans He has for you.  Get excited, get "off the shelf," get moving! God's got great plans for you and I!

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