I was standing in line at a Christian bookstore in Georgia, waiting to get a signed book from an author for a friend in Florida (story for another day). While waiting, I was chatting with the person in front of me in the line. She was telling me about how her sister is an author and has a new book out. I told her I was new to blogging and told her about WIPs (Works In Progress) and UFOs (Unfinished Objects). We both talked about writing a book, ourselves, "someday." She laughed when thinking about writing her book and said, "Yeah, right. IMD - In My Dreams!" I laughed, too, but then realized how many of us have ideas and dreams that sit on the shelf because we never really think we'll have the chance to do it, be it, have it. I asked her if I could use her IMD idea for my blog and she said, "Sure!" So here goes...
What dream do you have in your heart of hearts? Do you have a dream to travel, to write a book, to learn photography, to learn to paint, to learn to play the piano? Or is your dream more about living someplace that you've dreamed about or having a place of your own to decorate? Dreams are usually about something or someday, they don't exist in our lives YET. Just because your dream hasn't happened and you can't see how it can happen, doesn't mean that it won't happen. Hebrews 11:1 says "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
When God created each of us, he made us unique with our own set of ideas and talents. You are "fearfully and wonderfully made." (Psalm 139:13-16) What if the seeds of our dreams were planted when we were created? What if they're just waiting for us to "water and harvest?" So how do we "water and harvest" our dreams? We should be thinking and praying about our dreams and planning for the possibility. We should also look for opportunities to move in the direction of our dreams. Sometimes, it is important just to take the first step.
For example, do you want to learn to play the piano? See if there is a place in your town that offers lessons. It doesn't have to be expensive. Many school districts offer programs after hours. There are also many training videos online that don't cost anything. If you don't have a piano, an inexpensive electronic keyboard will work to learn the basics. Check out pawn shops and thrift stores. Sometimes you can find instruments at greatly reduced prices.
Do you want to travel? You could start with researching the area you would first like to visit. Make a list of things you would like to do and see while there. You could also contact different travel agencies to get an idea of cost so you could start saving money toward it.
Do you want to have a place of your own that you could decorate? You could start a scrapbook with ideas from magazines and drawings of what you would like. Maybe you could start by decorating a room where you are right now. You could start with little touches here and there.
Whatever your dream is, you just need to start somewhere. I saw a sign on a bulletin board at a college where I took a night class. The sign said, "If you fail to plan, you will plan to fail." In other words, if you don't have a plan at all, how can you ever get to where you want to be? Don't let the "busyness" of life crowd out your dreams. Maybe you only have 15 minutes to yourself at this stage in your life. Start by actually taking those 15 minutes to focus on you and what you want. Try to increase it, when you can. You and your dreams are important. Time will still pass whether we pursue our dreams or not so it is important to "seize the moment" and spend time on ourselves.
So let's look at our dreams. Let's make a plan. Let's see if we can "water" our dreams today so we can move toward the harvest of tomorrow.
Here's to my Georgia friend! "IMD- In My Dreams?" You bet! I do have a dream! Thank you for reminding me. I may not get that book written anytime soon, but I will someday!
Update from a WIP (me): I decided to take my first step toward my dream of writing a book. I signed up for a creative workshop. I'll keep you posted. What first steps have you taken?