Did you ever eat something and it was too salty to eat? What did you do with it? You probably threw it away, right? I would, too!
Salt can be a good thing, though. Just the right amount of salt can bring out the other flavors in the food and enhance it. Too much salt, though, can ruin the food. You have to use "fresh" salt, too. Salt that's been sitting in a cabinet for too long doesn't have much flavor or the ability to flavor anything.
In Matthew 5:13, we are called "Salt." "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot."
It is the same way with our relationships with others. Are we being "salt" and enhancing someone's life or are we being "salty?" If we're being "salty," they may not want anything more to do with us, in effect, throwing the relationship away. This holds true for many things. Whether you are just trying to be a good friend, wife, husband, mother or father or trying to share your faith, a little "salt" goes a long way.
Don't forget to "check your salt." Don't let it get old. Do you need to spend some time in the Bible, some time with friends or just take some time for yourself? Take the time, make the time. We all need refreshing. Unlike salt, we can be refreshed, and should do so on a regular basis. It's hard to enhance someone else's life if we're feeling weary and "flavorless."
The thing about salt, if it's just the right amount, you won't know it's there. You'll only know the food tastes good. The next time we feel like we need to add more salt, let's pray first, and ask for guidance for just the right amount of seasoning.
Gives a whole new meaning to "please pass the salt," doesn't it?
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