Did you ever notice how we are a lot like lights? Sounds kind of crazy doesn't it? When you think about it, though, some of us brighten a room when we walk in it, some of us are encouragers and try to "brighten" a day for others, and some of us are lighthouses, shining a light to help someone find their way when they are going through a difficult time. Some of us, unfortunately, are spotlights. For the wrong reasons. We may think that by "shining the light" on someone else's failings or difficulties, we may be "helping" them change when, in fact, we are actually pushing them away. There certainly may be times in our lives when we need to be the "spotlight" to friends and family members, but, for the most part, if we find ourselves acting more as the spotlight and less like the lighthouse, we may be doing more harm than good.
The difference between the lighthouse and the spotlight, is that one shines the light in such a way that it shows the dangers and the way out of the danger and the other focuses only on what is right in front of it. Lighthouses were built to shine the way to ships traveling in dangerous waters. The ships could see the rocks and the open water and could navigate safely. Spotlights are usually fixed in one direction and shine on whatever is in its pathway.
I think we need to pay more attention to "the light" we are "shining" to others.
Do we want to truly help? Do we want to make a difference? Do we want to help someone find their way?
The next time we are in a situation and have the opportunity to be a light, we should pray about what kind of light is needed. Then we'll know whether to be the spotlight or to be the lighthouse.
Shine on!